Wireguard VPN on Raspberry PI
[ link: wireguard | tags: linux vpn raspberrypi | updated: Fri, 17 Apr 2020 12:02:48 -0400 ]
So it seems that wireguard vpn is the cool new toy for doing VPNs. I finally got around to getting it to work on my raspberry pi and yes there are lots of examples of how to set it up, A lot of them seemed to have conflicting information and/or didnt tell you if it was a peer to peer setup of client setup to server or what. So read on for my setup which is a mobile phone (android) connecting to a raspberry pi server.
Change boot OS of a headless raspberrypi.
[ link: raspberrypiboot | tags: raspberrypi | updated: Fri, 17 Apr 2020 12:09:17 -0400 ]
When running the NOOBS image on a raspberrypi, you can install multiple OSs to run and multi boot the ones you choose. For instance, I boot openelec and raspbian. I needed to be able to switch between which one to boot without hooking up a monitor and keyboard to my pi.