Program failure (-25) of crm
[ link: procmailfail | tags: procmail linux postfix | updated: Fri, 17 Apr 2020 12:12:08 -0400 ]
I was ironing out some bugs with my postfix setup and the last nagging one was failures from running procmail and crm114. Many messages that came through procmail/crm were kicking out the dreaded procmail:
Program failure (-25) of "/usr/bin/crm" error.
I did some googling and found out that it was a resource issue with crm. Postfix was not letting procmail/crm run with enough memory to allow it to do its thing. I asked on the postfix mailing list and they kindly let me know that it was the "mailbox_size_limit" parameter in the file. After much trial/error, it seems that the values that finally worked for me were.
message_size_limit = 246240000
mailbox_size_limit = 259240000
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